Apply the SIX Time-Tested Ways to Develop Confidence


5. Know that most nervousness is not visible

I am sorry, I am nervous! Goodness, I’m nervous! Ohw no! – STOP saying these.

Do you know only a fraction of the turmoil you are feeling inside is visible on the outside?

Your anxiety will give you a thousand shocks, but the viewer can only see a few of them.

Sweating palms, fast pounding heart, butterflies all over your tummy, chills etcetera. These things probably won’t be noticed if you act ‘cool’.

Most of the time, the audience gets surprised when speakers claim they were dead nervous during their delivery because to them the speaker looked calm and assured.

This should make it easier for you to face your listeners with confidence than before.


6. Don’t expect perfection

Practice makes perfect – No, No…


There is no such thing as ‘perfect’ speech. At any point in a speech delivery, every speaker does or says something, no matter how minor that does not come across exactly as he or she had planned. Fortunately, it is NOT visible to your audience.

You are the creator, only you know what is going to be said. The audience only hears what the speaker does say. If you happen to change the content, lose the pace, reverse the orders, or even skip a couple of points, no one to notice them.

Do not worry and just proceed as if nothing happens.

One reason why people are so concerned about making mistakes in a speech is that they view speechmaking as a kind of performance rather than as an act of communication.

Remember, this audience is not present here to judge you. They are here to listen for a well thought out content that communicates the speaker’s ideas clearly and directly to them.

Guess what? Sometimes, an error or two can enhance your appeal by making you seem more human.

Do not panic about being perfect or what will happen if a mistake occurs.


Confidence gets nurtured. After your first good score, you will be much more confident the next time. Eventually, you become a more confident speaker. Not only that, but you also become confident in other aspects of your life too.