Apply the SIX Time-Tested Ways to Develop Confidence




1. Acquire speaking experience

The biggest fear we all face is the ‘unknown’ and ‘totally new’ in a situation. Once we are accustomed to the situation, it is no longer a threat! The more you participate and gain experience, the less threatening you will feel about this matter. The purpose of these trials is to shorten the process and minimize the potential errors. With all these experiences, fears about Public Speaking will eventually withdraw and they will be replaced by only a healthy nervousness.


2. Prepare, prepare, prepare

How much time is enough?

There is this rule of thumb, each minute of speaking time requires one to two hours of preparation time (maybe more), it depends on the research needed for the speech.

Sounds like a lot of time, but frankly speaking it is not. The rewards are worth it!

Imagine an actor, practicing getting his role until it is just right before acting it out on stage. The satisfaction in delivering something you want so much in the most perfect way.

Hope you will be convinced after reading this: Proper practice can reduce stage fright by up to 75%!

What are you waiting for then? Practice…Practice…Practice!