Explain Three Types of Audience Analysis



2.       Psychographic Analysis

Different from Demographic Analysis, Psychographic analysis serves information, which includes such things as values, opinions, attitudes, and beliefs.For example, most of us probably share the values of equality, freedom, honesty, fairness, justice, good health, and family. These values compose the principles or standards we use to judge and develop our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.


It is important to recognize that, as "Demographic Analysis" is fairly straightforward and verifiable, psychographic information is much less clear-cut. Two different people who both say they believe in equal educational opportunity may have very different interpretations of what “equal opportunity” means. People who say they don’t buy junk food may have very different standards for what specific kinds of foods are considered “junk food.”


Understanding our audience from psychographic perspectives involves acknowledging that people inherit some values from their family upbringing, cultural influences, and life experiences. The extent to which someone values family loyalty and obedience to parents, thrift, humility, and work may be determined by these influences more than by individual choice.