Explain The 4 Ways To Gather Materials For Speech Content

After completing Chapter 3, you have better understanding on the differences between general and specific purpose. You are aware of the correct methods to write a specific purpose for a speech.


3. Searching the Internet:

Use Search Aids

(Search engines, metasearch engines, and virtual libraries), Keyword Searches,

Subject Searches, Bookmarks, and Specialized Research Resources (government, reference, news and

multicultural resources).

Evaluating Internet Documents

Analyze their authorship, sponsorship, and recency.

Citing Internet Sources

Do this fully, clearly, and consistently in the speech and bibliography.


4. Interviewing:

(Before) Define the purpose of the interview, decide whom to interview, arrange the interview, decide whether to record the interview and prepare questions. During: Dress appropriately and be on time, repeat the purpose of the interview, set up the recorder (if using one), keep the interview on track, listen carefully, and stay within the period.
(After) Review notes as soon as possible and transcribe them.