Apply the SIX Time-Tested Ways to Develop Confidence



3. Think positively

Well, confidence is the key for all of us! If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you are doomed!

It is scary to say that for each negative thought, you should counter with a minimum of five positive ones. Doing so not going to get the fear away but it at least will keep them under control.

Instead of compensating so much time and energy into thought transformation, you might as well begin with positive thoughts.

We all have been in that situation before, and I want you to think of a situation where so much of negative thoughts cluttered your mind and you ended up in stressing yourself. It is common and let us not repeat that from now on.

Let me show you a few examples of how negative thoughts can be transformed into positive thoughts.

Negative thoughts

Positive thoughts

I wish I didn’t have to give this speech

This speech so a chance for me to share my ideas and gain experience.

No one will be interested in what I am going to say today.

I have done the best preparation and enough content and I am sure I will speak well. Eventually, they will listen as I start my speech.


4. Use the power of visualization

Not daydreaming!

It is the imagination where a person vividly pictures himself in a particular situation. You try to put things in a visible manner. It is a brilliant way to communicate abstract and concrete ideas.

As you create these images in your mind’s eyes, be realistic but keep focused on the positive aspects of your speech. don’t bring in too many negative elements and overshadow the positive elements.

Since we are focusing on nervousness and ways to overcome it brilliantly. I want you to include nervousness during your visualization. Visualize yourself getting through the hitches, be specific with the barrier. The more lucid imagination you have, the more successful you are likely to be.

Mental rehearsal is equally important as physical rehearsal. This should be done a few times before the actual speech delivery, and it helps to control your nervousness and craft a successful speech delivery.