Explain Three Types of Audience Analysis




Psychographic analysis can reveal preexisting notions that limit your audience’s frame of reference. By knowing about such notions ahead of time, you can address them in your speech. Audiences are likely to have two basic kinds of preexisting notions: those about the topic and those about the speaker.


Regardless of their views or perceptions as a speaker, your concern should still be serving your audience’s needs and interests, not debunking their opinions of you or managing your image. In order to help them be receptive, you address their interests directly, and make sure they get an interesting, ethical speech.


Before you get any more confused to differentiate these two types of analysis, study the diagram below to comprehend better.



Demographics Analysis is more on gender, age, marital status even ethic background. Whereas, Psychographics Analysis looks into someone’s perception, interest, belief, attitudes even personality traits.


Now that, we have one more type of analysis to discover, which is Situational Analysis.