Apply the SIX Time-Tested Ways to Develop Confidence



Speaking in front of a group of people? Ohw No!

This is one of the major concerns of students or any novice speakers.

Stage fright is something that we all face squarely. You can be someone who communicate fluently in all situations but frightened at the idea of standing up before a group of people to make a speech.

Would you believe me if I say standing in front of public is one of the greatest fears than death! Speech making does provoke one’s anxiety.

Let us be little more practical in handling nervousness. Athletes, actors, presenters, politicians and almost everyone tends to be anxious before doing something important in public.


76% of experienced speakers have stage fright before taking up the floor. Let us be practical in this matter, anxiety is not something that can be demolished totally but it can be controlled.


You should aim at transforming the negative energy into what one expert calls – positive nervousness. It is still nervousness, but it is different. You no longer feel abused by the feelings, but you started to vitalise by it.


How do we do that? Let’s look into these time-tested ways to overcome stage fright.