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Why people management is important?

Why people management is important?

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People management involves training, Recruitment, directing, and motivating team members to maximize the productivity of the workplace and enhance overall professional growth.

Therefore, it helps to oversee the flow of tasks and increase the performance of employees on a daily basis. The process looks into how employees work, engage, behave, and attain growth in the business to provide continual support and lead towards success.

-In addition, resolving conflicts between employees in order to promote better collaboration and respect between team members.

-It meets deadlines for tasks by directing a company’s human resources toward goals.

-It provides training to existing employees and new members to fulfill their roles and responsibilities better.

-It Creates a workplace with feedback that helps the company make actionable changes.

~ The key components of people management are:

1- Creating the workforce of the future: people practices involve knowing and setting the purpose for all teams and each team member within the department. 

2- Understanding people who make up the organization: the managers need to understand employees' perspectives, personal goals, motivating factors, and career interests to be in a better position to judge where the employees fit and how to get the best out of them.

3- Establishing effective communication: there has to be a proper flow of communication between team members. that will happen when managers establish appropriate channels of communication that provide feedback continuously.

4- Setting the ground for better collaboration: success can not come from one person only it comes from teamwork, not from each member working disparately from the rest. It’s important to assign responsibilities to add more value to the work. 

5- Making the best use of healthy differences: conflicts can be a disaster among teams and can destroy the whole entity. It’s important to identify the cause of these conflicts and resolve them to bring diverse opinions to the table and turn them into valuable opportunities for better insights. 

From my own point of view, People management is like an important human body part just like one of our hands that the organization can not proceed well and succeed without it because each person has a different perspective and different ideas than the other so it needs to be on the same page in order to create a better environment and reach the organizational goals.