How HRM evolves into a global context?
In the past, HR will most probably deal with activity and task that influenced by domestic market when their company have not been globalized, but more and more company started to globalize their company by having a subsidiaries company in different country for the reason of better development, market, technology and more. Therefore, the activity of HRM such as HR planning, recruitments standard, training and more will be differ when HRM evolves into global or international HRM that is more complex and complicated because they will need to deal with multicultural workforce, adapt different rules and regulation in different country and more issues.
What are the key features described about global HRM?
- International level of HR planning that is more complex because it will not
only confine to one country, but it involves different countries with different
culture which make it difficult to maintain their HR planning consistently.
-International recruitment and selection policy will also be the feature of global HRM. They will need to hire workers who can adapt to the culture or environment of other country that come with required skills
-The global HRM also play an important role in designing the remuneration package for the expatriate because they will need to consider a difference in cost of living , tax structure, rules and regulation and more factors in different country.
- Performance appraisal of an expatriate is also one of the features. Appropriate motivations and performance appraisals done will increase the confidence of expatriate towards the company and task might be complicated because it will involve both home and host country supervisor.
- Repatriation process is also a key feature that need to be done by global HRM. The expatriate will need to face a challenge such as re-entry shock, reverse cultural shock and more when they are done with the assignment in host country, and they will be brought back from host country to home country to accept a new assignment.