Let's discuss Global HRM

How HRM evolves into a global context

How HRM evolves into a global context

by LI HAIYAN . -
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At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the scientific management represented by Taylor separated planning from implementation, replaced the traditional experience management with scientific management methods, and made the management rise from experience to science for the first time. Although scientific management assumes that people are "economic people", takes people as pure production tools, manages them in the way of "carrot and stick", and emphasizes institutional constraints and economic stimulation, scientific management theory makes a detailed analysis of the work of employees, and sets the workload, sets the scientific operation process, and trains workers accordingly. All these provide some attempts for the later job analysis and employee training of human resource management. After the 1940s, with the establishment and development of modern management science, human resources have attracted more and more attention. In 1954, Peter Drucker's "management practice" laid the management foundation of human resource management. Since then, human resource management has been gradually enriched and improved, from the expansion of functions to the promotion of strategy, from simple management to a management system integrating strategy and development. With the development of globalization and the emergence of more and more multinational corporations, human resource management began to move towards globalization. The human resource management of the company's headquarters needs to be coordinated and unified with the human resource management of subsidiaries in different regions or countries to achieve the company's human resource management objectives. Economic globalization has promoted the transnational flow of human resources, capital, goods, services, technology and information, and optimized the allocation of various production factors and resources. In the concept of globalization, the globalization of talent flow and the internationalization of human resource management and development must be paid attention to.