Reflective Question

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

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Human Resource Management is a multidisciplinary function that represents assumptions from different fields such as management, psychology, sociology, and economics. strategic management is a set of continuous managerial decisions and actions that require constant adjustment to determine the long-run performance of a corporation. SHRM is a job design that encourages the vertical and horizontal compression of tasks and greater worker autonomy.

HR academics and HR practitioners have embraced SHRM as a means of securing greater respect for HRM as a field of study and, in the case of HR managers, of appearing more ‘strategic’, thereby enhancing their status within organizations and encouraging academics to develop frameworks emphasizing the strategic role of the HR function.

It has core features for organizational design and management, decentralizing decision-making to line managers or work teams, enabling information technology, strong leadership, and a set of HR practices that make workers’ behavior more congruent with the organization’s culture and goals.

SHRM provides access to best practices, resources, tools, and HR solutions in order to make:

·        Exceptional corporate culture.

·        Increase productivity.

·        Enhance customer loyalty.

·        Greater focus on corporate goals.

·        Better preparation for potential issues.

·        Effective leadership in implementing strategic initiatives.

·        changing the culture of an organization.

·        Better performance management.

·        Making strategic decisions

·        Organizational success.