Reflective Question

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

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Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has been embracedA by academics and HR professionals for several reasons, first being Alignment with organizational strategy. SHRM emphasizes on the integration of HR practices with the overall organizational strategy. SHRM ensures that HR practices are directly linked to the organization's success.

Focus on competitive advantage, SHRM recognizes that effective management of human resources can provide a competitive advantage to organizations. as it help emphasize the strategic management of talent, ensuring that the organization has the right people with the right skills and capabilities to outperform competitors, which provides the company with a competitive edge. 

Impact on organizational performance, SHRM helps acknowledge the influence of HR practices on organizational performance. By adopting strategic HR practices, organizations can enhance employee productivity, engagement, and satisfaction. 

Recognition of the changing HR role, SHRM acknowledges the evolving role of HR professionals. Instead of being solely administrative, SHRM positions HR professionals as strategic partners who contribute to organizational decision-making and drive HR initiatives that support business objectives. This recognition has attracted HR professionals who seek to elevate the impact of HR in organizations.

Overall, academics and HR professionals have embraced SHRM as it offers a strategic and evidence-based approach to managing human resources, aligns the HR with organizational goals, and recognizes the impact of HR on organizational performance and competitive advantage.