Reflective Question

why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM?

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Scholars and HR professionals embrace SHRM for the following reasons:

1.Personal Benefits: SHRM provides a new body of knowledge that can help professionals quickly develop their capabilities and thus broaden their career path .

2.Business benefits: By applying SHRM's body of knowledge, companies can improve their competitiveness and their brand image, while also saving money .

3.Talent Evaluation: Professionals who hold SHRM certificates often receive bonus points in relevant talent evaluation, which helps them have better opportunities in their career .

4.International leading human resource management concept: SHRM represents the highest level of international human resource management theory, its skills and knowledge system concept is advanced, extensive connotation, strong practice, compared with the existing domestic human resource management knowledge system has obvious advantages.

5.Proof of qualifications: SHRM certification provides a reliable credential for HR professionals worldwide, demonstrating that the certificate holder has the competencies necessary to perform effectively in both HR related competencies and knowledgement.

6.International recognition: SHRM is widely recognized worldwide, with more than 113,000 professionals certified, making SHRM certification a passport for HR professionals internationally.

7.Career progression: In the United States, SHRM certified professionals can often earn higher salaries, which provides an additional incentive for their career progression .

In summary, the reasons for scholars and HR professionals to undertake SHRM include enhancing personal competence, enhancing corporate competitiveness, gaining talent rating advantages, obtaining certification for leading international HR management concepts, gaining internationally recognized credentials, and possible career advancement advantages.