Practice Writing your Research Title
You should now be able to come up with a Title for further finetuning/refinement
1: Your Research Title
Write your Research Title in less than 15 words
The title (topic) of the proposal should ‘accurately’ reflect the scope and content of the study in not more than 15 words. The title should be concise, precise and outline Core Issues of study
Barriers to digital banking adoption: A qualitative study among Gen Y customers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Barriers [focus] to Digital banking adoption [area of interest]: A qualitative study [qualitative research design] among Gen Y customers [population] in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [situated nature of the study]
The hallmarks or main distinguishing characteristics of scientific research may be listed as follows:
1. Purposiveness.
2. Rigor.
3. Testability.
4. Replicability.
5. Precision and confidence.
6. Objectivity.
7. Generalizability.
8. Parsimony.
Sekaran, U. and Bougie, R. (2016) Research Methods for Business: A Skill-Building Approach. 7th Edition, Wiley & Sons, West Sussex.