Student self Introduction

Activity: Tech Avatar Forum

Introduce yourself and engage with classmates using a tech-themed avatar in a Moodle forum.


1.       Choose Your Tech Part:

-          Think of a computer or network part that represents you.

-          Example: If you're quick and efficient, you might be a CPU. If you like connecting people, perhaps you're a Router.

2.       Create Your Avatar:

-          Find or draw a picture that represents your chosen tech part.

-          Write a couple of sentences explaining your choice.

3.       Post on the Forum:

-          Go to the "Tech Avatar Forum" on Moodle.

-          Start a new thread with your avatar and explanation.

4.       Engage with Classmates:

-          Read your classmates' posts.

-          Comment on at least two other threads, asking questions or sharing thoughts.

5.       Guidelines:

-          Be Creative: There's no right or wrong. Have fun with your avatar!

-          Stay Positive: Keep comments friendly and encouraging.

-          Participate: Both posting and commenting are important.

Why This Activity?

-          It's a light-hearted way to introduce yourself.

-          You'll get a basic understanding of computer and network components.

-          It encourages interaction and community building in the class.


Separate groups: All participants
(There are no discussion topics yet in this forum)