Activity 1 : How is data represented in binary?

Activity 1:  How is data represented in binary?

  • Watch the video on how data is represented in binary: Go to the provided YouTube link:
  • Link: 
  • Take notes while watching: Pay close attention to the details of how computer use only binary numbers to represent all types of data (numbers, characters, symbols, images, sound, colors).


Activity 2:  How are Images and Sound Represented in a computer?

  • Watch the video on how images and sound are represented in a computer: Go to the provided YouTube link:
  • Link:
  • Take notes while watching: Pay close attention to the details of how computer use only binary numbers to represent the image and sound.



  • Based on the two activities above, discuss the similarities and differences in the way computers represent numerical, character, sound, and image data.
  • Participate in the discussion forum: Access the designated discussion forum or platform provided by the course facilitator.
  • Start a new thread or respond to an existing thread: Share your insight and observation on similarities and differences in the way computers represent various types of data.
  • Engage with other students: Respond to the posts of your peers, share additional perspective, and ask thoughtful questions to foster further discussion and collaboration.

Separate groups: All participants
(There are no discussion topics yet in this forum)