Activity 1 : WLAN Design

Activity 1:  WLAN Design

  • Watch the videos on “Network Topologies (Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh, Ad hoc, Infrastructure, & Wireless Mesh Topology)”: Go to the provided YouTube link: 


  • Take notes while watching: Pay close attention to the infrastructure, ad hoc and wireless mesh topology – min 4.45 onwards. Identify the different types of connection that we can deploy when we are using these types of technology.
  • Upon understanding on these two types of WLAN design and the technologies that they use, post your findings on the following scenario-based questions:

Scenario 1:

    • A local community organization is organizing an outdoor event in a park and needs to set up a temporary wireless network for ticketing, payment processing, and live streaming of the event. They are deciding between an ad hoc and mesh network infrastructure. What factors should they consider, and which network structure is better suited for this event?

Scenario 2:

    • A university classroom requires a network that allows students to collaborate on group projects during classes. The faculty is exploring the use of ad hoc networks for this purpose. What factors should the university consider when opting for an ad hoc network in a classroom setting, and what are the specific benefits it offers for student collaboration?

  • Participate in the discussion forum: Access the designated discussion forum or platform provided by the course facilitator.
  • Start a new thread or respond to an existing thread: Share your insight and observation in identifying the major issues in both scenario above.

Separate groups: All participants
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