Activity 2: Forum Discussion

Activity 2:  Forum Discussion

  • Go through the videos in the "Supplementary Resources Section".
  • Participate in the discussion forum: Access the designated discussion forum or platform provided by the course facilitator. Respond to an existing thread by answering the following questions based on the Case Study: Wireless Security Practices
    • Briefly explain any THREE (3) security risks that Sarah might face when connecting to the public Wi-Fi.
    • In your opinion, is it secure enough for Sarah if she decided to connect her personal devices to Campus Wi-Fi network? Will it solve any of the security risks highlighted earlier with Public Wi-Fi?
    • What are some of the best practices for Sarah to follow in order to avoid all the potential threats and attacks?
  • Share your answers, opinions, and argument of the solutions in the forum. You are also required to comment on your friends’ post and their ideas.
  • The forum and discussions will continue for 1 week.

Separate groups: All participants
(There are no discussion topics yet in this forum)