Activity 1: Wi-Fi Password Security - WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, WPS

Activity 1:  Wi-Fi Password Security - WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA3, WPS

  • Watch the videos on “Wi-Fi Password Security”: Go to the provided YouTube link:


  • Take note while watching: Pay close attention the protocols that are used in securing the Wi-Fi password.
  • Upon understanding on the concepts of Wi-Fi security, post your findings on the following Case Study: Securing a Small Business Wi-Fi Network:
  • In your opinion, what is the suitable action to be taken by the “Coffee Connect” owner in ensuring that the Wi-Fi provided is secure?
  • Participate in the discussion forum: Access the designated discussion forum or platform provided by the course facilitator.
  • Share your answers, opinions, and argument of the solutions in the forum. You are also required to comment on your friends’ post and their ideas.

Separate groups: All participants
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