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Case Study : Alpha Company

Case Study : Alpha Company

Number of replies: 2

The case study claims that Alpha Approach tries to get its employees to think and behave like the Leader. It is evident that Alpha is utilizing a polycentric approach where the nationals of the country shall be hired for the job since they have a better understanding of the country, its customs, and situations in a more avid manner.

And I heartily endorse the geo-centric approach, which looks to the company to find the finest candidates for key positions regardless of country, region, and other significant differences. This strategy, independent of race or nation, emphasizes the significance of personal competence.

However, according to the case study, an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational businesses is not a flexible strategy and depends on the sort of business or sector the company is in. But regardless of the industry, it is clear that an effective end-to-end strategy is essential for global HR management to maximize and keep the best personnel; this includes everything from recruiting and hiring to on-the-job performance and training to pay and benefits (sometimes including retirement package).

Although the case study described an apparently effective strategy for a business that offers IT services, the same approach might not be appropriate for a business that depends heavily on a hierarchy structure for day-to-day operations.