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Case Study

Case Study

Number of replies: 2
Alpha's HR mentioned a few significant way of thinking which is to have the employees "think like CEOs" or "every Alphaite is a leader", not every employee is able to think in such a way and they cannot require every employee to do so too given that they apply "the lifeblood of Alpha" metrics on every employee regardless of their position or location. One particular question from the metric really stood out to me was that they asked employees the question of "Do you have the right technical skills?", this question is not only up to the individual to decide but it needs the help of the leader or manager to help determine whether they have the skills or not.

Alpha should use a geocentric way of running the company to adapt to the locals yet exchange culture or way of working at a certain extend to let the company bloom and make a better work environment for the employees. With geocentric they are able to review the performance of the employee and provide training for their skills if needed or to check whether the employee should be placed in a different position that would be more suitable for them.