Let's discuss Global HRM

Evolution and characteristics of human resource management in the global context

Evolution and characteristics of human resource management in the global context

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Economic globalization is one of the most important trends in the world reform in the past 10 years. Globalization is mainly due to the global  Economic development and the opening of domestic markets to foreign markets.  The original planned economy was like a market economy  Transition also has a profound impact on the process of globalization.  A global market for enterprises, especially for global enterprises  Development offers many opportunities, but it also presents various challenges.  Both managers and theoretical studies  People will be one of the main issues facing the global race for power.  In a complex and dynamic environment, enterprises  Need to develop and cultivate the enterprise's unique resources and capability system.  Ran Li enterprise's core ability is not a no  Increasingly, the core capabilities of a firm will become a major obstacle to future growth that global firms must ignore and develop  Updated building core capabilities.  Core competence is actually a kind of balance ability of an enterprise, which is a reaction to economic globalization  Force and the ability to maintain stability towards the baupin Street.  Therefore, collaboration is a core capability for global enterprises to build  And the key to gaining competitive advantage.  Global companies must adopt strategies that are different from those of traditional companies,  The alliance is strategic and operational to build up Hervite competitiveness.  These strategies are credited with helping companies become effective, innovative,  Learning - oriented and competitive enterprises.  In the new global economy, competitiveness will increasingly depend on innovation  Force.  Those who can become global, innovative and rich in caring resources will have more  Strong ability and competitive advantage.  Therefore, more and more global enterprises attach importance to human resources and begin to be comprehensive  Improve the ability of enterprise human resources.  As the Centre for International Organisations and Productivity points out: truly global organisations  The key to success is to align the role of human resources with the organization's international goals.  Such close ties are advantageous  Hand to promote the development of the enterprise, but also can provide personal development opportunities for employees.  Global companies need to build global people  Resources war, such as: global human resource strategy, global incentive policies and global training to achieve a global model  Allocation of human resources.  The global hr campaign is a tool to realize the strategy and flexibility of the global enterprise.  

Human resource management under the condition of globalization has one of the most noteworthy characteristics:  

1. The human resource department has gradually changed from a functional and passive management department to actively plan the enterprise talent allocation structure and give play to the leading role of human resources;  

2. Due to the role of talents, there will be more crossover points between human resource management and business management;  

3. With the globalization of management, human resource management will be more absorbed and integrated into western elements, and tend to play a more active role in enterprise management.  

4, produce direct economic benefits, labor costs to create value.