Let's discuss Global HRM

Lisa has a lot on her plate - Ali Dabbir Khan

Lisa has a lot on her plate - Ali Dabbir Khan

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When a company expands internationally, their Human Resource Management (HRM) turns into International Human Resource Management (IHRM). This means that the HR Department no longer has to deal with the basic HR duties but now has to adapt and evolve around the different countries and their cultures and other environmental factors such as their income and tax laws etc. 

The key features of IHRM are:

- Recruiting and onboarding skilled individuals from the global talent pool.

- Training the international employees or expatriates for the destination country’s culture, language, rules and regulations etc.

- Continuing the professional development after onboarding the employee by providing the multiple opportunities for growth and learning.

- Managing the finances, benefits, income, allowances and leaves of said employees according to the laws of the foreign country while still being fair.

- Ensuring legal compliance to the labor and tax laws of the foreign country.