Let's Talk This Through

Describe the underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM

Describe the underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM

Number of replies: 3

With the ever so fast pacing development of society and economy , it will definitely bring more opportunities and development to companies around the world. Hence , HRM would also need to adapt to the changes and its method or methodology needs to be constantly reformed too . This will help meet the company's needs and overall development. 

In reply to LIEW KANG TZE .

Re: Describe the underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM

by WANG LIN . -
In reply to LIEW KANG TZE .

Re: Describe the underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM