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Adaptive Approach (Case study)

Adaptive Approach (Case study)

Number of replies: 7

Based on your reading, identify and recommend an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies.

Based on the reading of case study, it shown that Alpha is using Polycentric Approach on their global HR. They will mostly hire a host country national at senior positions because they have a better understanding and local knowledge towards their own country. This can ensure the MNC to fulfil the market needs of host country and at the same time align their management style with the local culture and aspiration in host country. Therefore, decisions made are highly decentralized and the local managements are responsible on all the decisions for example compensation, policies and more.

From my perspective, I will recommend a Geocentric Approach to the MNC for their global HR because this approach has a matured system, structure and processes that make them unique and effective. They also provided a good flexibility in term of the company culture, and they will hire a good talent irrespective of their race, religion, gender and more. Therefore, this will be a good approach that contains a strong core value and I trust that this can add value to the MNC in a long run.