Let's discuss Global HRM

When HRM turns GLOBAL

When HRM turns GLOBAL

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When companies evolve by expanding internationally their Human Resources Management also progresses into IHRM (International Human Resource Management). Expanding borders includes a series of processes to ensure the procedure is as smooth as possible.

Companies that cater to and recruit from the international market have greater chances of success and growth. The key features of International Human Resource Management include:

1.   Recruitment of highly qualified individuals who are not only skilled but also possess great adaptability to living and working in other countries.

2.   Training of such individuals about the key practices of an organization and translating the company’s goals and values, as well as taking care of their pre-departure training by teaching them the language and cultural norms.

3.   Planning the expat's cost of living and other expenses in the host country.

4.   Keeping them motivated through regular performance assessments by the host and parent country supervisor.

5.   Adjusting them after they complete their assignments and return to their home country.