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Human resource management methods suitable for multinational companies

Human resource management methods suitable for multinational companies

by LI BIN . -
Number of replies: 2

However, human resources themselves do not

It does not produce competitive advantages, but only matches with the enterprise's strategy, embedded in the organization, and becomes valuable, scarce and irreplaceable

Generation, difficult to imitate resources, to form the source of competitive advantage of enterprises. With the further international development of multinational companies, more and more

More and more scholars began to pay attention to the human resource management of the subsidiaries of multinational companies, how to manage the employees of the subsidiaries of multinational companies,

Make it produce competitive advantage, become more and more important.

Since the 21st century, institutional theory has been used more and more to explain organizational behavior and business activities. Institutional theory believes that enterprises

Business activities, such as human resource management, must meet the requirements of "legality". The enterprise's human resource management is subject to the multifaceted system

The pressure of "legitimacy", especially the human resource management of the subsidiaries of multinational companies, is not only influenced by the institutional factors of the home country and the parent company

At the same time, it is also affected by the host country's institutional factors. The subsidiary of a multinational corporation faces such a difficult problem: it is based on the host country system

Localization of human resource management according to the requirements of the environment, or according to the parent company's system requirements for "standardized" human resource management

Richard? Empirical studies have proved that the local institutional environment has an important impact on the business activities of subsidiaries. In fact, institutional theory is already the solution

Explain a powerful tool of enterprise human resource management activities. The purpose of this paper is to explore the subsidiaries of multinational corporations from the perspective of institutional theory

What are the factors that influence the "standardization" or "localization" of human resource management of a company, thus putting forward a transnational based on institutional theory

The framework of human resource management influencing factors of the company's subsidiaries provides reference for management practitioners of enterprises.

Institutional theory and Human resource Management

Human resources of multinational subsidiary companies from the perspective of institutional theory

Management analysis

The human resource management of the subsidiaries of multinational companies is not only influenced by the parent company and the east

The institutional pressure of the country is also affected by some factors of the subsidiary itself.

From the perspective of strategic human resource management, people in subsidiaries of multinational companies

Resource management activities are affected by the strategic position of the subsidiary. According to the local group

The weave's responsiveness and the importance of the local environment divide the two dimensions of the subsidiary

There are four types of strategic position: strategic leader, contributor, black hole and executor.

If the subsidiary is strategic leadership, that is, the subsidiary occupies strategic significance

International market, its organizational strain capacity is strong, the parent company to its human resources management

Subsidiaries tend to choose "localized" HUMAN resource management

Activities. If the subsidiary belongs to the executor's strategic position, then its relative to the parent company

A higher degree of dependence, thus adopting "standardized" HRM activities.

The performance of a multinational company's subsidiary will also affect its human resource management activities

Select the parent company if the performance of the subsidiary is better and meets the requirements of the parent company

Subsidiaries will be given more autonomy and will tend to "go local"

Human resource management; On the contrary, the subsidiaries of the mNE will adopt "standardization"

Human resource management.

Based on the above analysis, this paper believes that the human resources of multinational subsidiaries

Management activities will be affected by three factors, multinational subsidiaries adopt "standardized" or "localized" human resources

Management, influenced by many factors, from the point of view of best human resource practices,

The human resource management of the subsidiary of a multinational company should be consistent with that of the parent company

Take "standardized" management; The resource-based view holds that the subsidiaries of multinational corporations should be rooted

People who design "locally" according to their own resources and the environment of the host country

Force resource management. This paper analyzes from the institutional theory and holds that multinational corporations

The human resource management of subsidiaries is affected by many factors, not only by

The legal constraints within the parent organization; It is also influenced by the institutional environment of the host country

Pressure, including rule dimension, normative dimension, cognitive dimension and other three aspects

"Legitimacy" requirements. In addition, some factors of the subsidiary itself, such as strategic position,

Performance also affects human resource management.

In reply to LI BIN .

Re: Human resource management methods suitable for multinational companies

by LIM SHI LIN . -
Well written and informative