Let's discuss Global HRM

Global HRM

Global HRM

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In the global HRM it combines countries, markets and technologies thus HRM must consider both internal and external challenges. Internal includes first, diverse culture employees which has different needs in terms of money value, hours of working and work recognition. second, responsible for selecting and gives training to expatriates, as well as, support the well being of their families. Third, global knowledge base, making sure the company's intellectual capital and knowledge available for everyone and everywhere. 

external challenges includes political, economics, social, technological, legal and ecological aspects. HRM must consider different political economics situation before sending their employees and they have to comply with the guideline sets by the country regarding labor law, taxation and working hours.

There are three key features in describing global HRM. first, recruitment ethics which divided by ethnocentric, poly centric and geocentric approaches. second, salary and benefits which include base salary, foreign services premium and allowances. lastly, training that can be either customised or standard procedure or passive methods.