Let's discuss Global HRM

Global HRM

Global HRM

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1. Globalisation is the integration of countries, technologies and markets to enable individuals and companies to connect around the world. In the past, HRM in companies is usually influenced by the local markets. Still, the reduction of trade restrictions, regulation around the capital movements and servers as well as transportation and communication costs affected HRM in companies to globalise more easily in the recent era.

2. The differences in the workforce in other countries such as in the aspects of currency, working hours and employees' benefits are one of the key components the Global HRM should take note of. Besides, the Global HRM should be aware and attentive to the selection of candidates and expatriates from the global pool of talents while also providing the appropriate training, developing the candidates and supporting them and their families while being abroad. In addition to that, Global HRM must be attentive to the political and social situations as well as comply with the legal guidelines of the foreign countries before sending the expatriates abroad as it could reduce the expatriate failure.