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Case study

Case study

by YONG ZHI LE . -
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The study suggests that the international corporation Alpha Computer employs the polycentric method. Its decentralized management, informal work atmosphere, staff autonomy, and decentralization policies serve as additional confirmation. Because of its centralized management and decentralization policies, its overseas companies are able to autonomously formulate a strategy that takes into account the specific market demands of their respective nations. According to Alpha's Director of HR in China, the firm "wants to function as a Chinese company based in China yet offer the identical worldwide expertise to customers, regardless of where its activities take place." Alpha employs this strategy and attempts to localize the personnel in its affiliates as much as feasible. But the case research also shows that Alpha appears to be taking a culturally focused stance. Though certain executives at its affiliates feel that there is an overabundance of authority and that choices are taken more frequently in India than elsewhere, it was claimed that Alpha aims to create a unified organizational atmosphere.

In addition to the multinational and ethnographic methods, I want to suggest this geocentric strategy for worldwide human resources in large businesses. By using this strategy, the organization will hire the best candidates for the vacant positions while taking into account a candidate's nationality or place of residence. As opposed to Alpha Computer, these businesses establish an environment that is distinct and extremely productive by establishing limits and allowing for the appropriate amount of freedom. The organization will grow more diverse as a result of hiring the best people regardless of their native nationality, which aids in their expansion into new markets. Adopting this strategy is challenging, though, for a number of reasons, including partisan, cultural, and legal issues. Effective management of this kind of business also requires quick decisions and ongoing oversight of all global operations.