Based on the case study, some of the underpinning social and economics reasons such as rapid business change, shift towards emerging markets, borderless workspace, specialization creating new career and job models, new styles of leadership, and intense competition of talents.
Back to past decade, when the industry still 3.0, traditional HR function to manage the labor, make sure it meet the demand of the business and operation, recruiting, etc. The growing needs forcing the HR roles to become more complex. Nowadays, HR function role become Global HR or strategic HR function which is actively partnering with the business to effectively use global mobility, able to incorporate expertise, deliver the right talents in the right place and time. HR need to use the company structure to take control of their skills and talent management, knowing the knowledge of recruitment expertise and global mobility mindset to resource and manage the workforce.
Evolution of the HR function focus on strategic importance, outlining more wider HR context and make it aligned with the business. Equipping HR professionals with the right skills, ensuring staffs trained in mobility concepts and helping them to have business driven mobility conversations become the bridge to mobility island and more focused on the business objectives for continuous success.