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Importance of people management

Importance of people management

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People management is an important tool to optimize workplace productivity and promote professional growth of the employees. People management involves recruiting new employees and training existing ones as well as motivating them. 

The key components include:

1. Communication - clear communication is key in ensuring there are no miscommunications among team members. 

2. Training and Development - providing training programs for employees is essential in developing skills and knowledge needed for the job and in turn, enhance productivity. 

3. Performance management - it is important to set clear and achievable targets for employees. It is also good to provide feedback to the employees. Performance evaluation is also important to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each individual employee.

4. Collaboration - team members should work together to achieve their targets and increase their performance so as to reach their goals. 

5. Appropriate Employee Placement - employees should be evaluated and placed in the most appropriate placement in order for them to become more productive in their work. For new employees or ones with little to no experience, mentorship or coaching can be provided for them. This will help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction.