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Case Study

Case Study

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 I'd recommend using the PolyCentric approach as I believe Alpha used it themselves to ensure maximizing the number of workers by enabling them to take responsibility on their behalf, which supports localization and decentralization of decision-making in the subsidiaries. Based on my reading about different approaches, the article as well as my own opinion, I believe that it is the most effective approach, especially in Alpha case. By applying the Polycentric approach we are recruiting high-potential talents in the subsidiaries and letting them be run by the locals there which will emphasize localization and decentralization and help to avoid many problems that might arise in the future, especially when we (in Alpha case) are letting every employee have a responsibility and considered an "associate" and trained to become a leader and think like a CEO. As we studied earlier, the polycentric approach helps in increasing the responsiveness to local needs and enhances cultural sensitivity. on the other hand, it does have its cons like running into challenges when trying to maintain a unified corporate culture. there are always tradeoffs when choosing a certain approach but this shouldn't let us forget its advantages