Reflective Question

Academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

Academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

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Since one of the main goals of the academic purposes is to enroll the students in an intensive educational environment that enable them to acquire the knowledge in specific domain, we find that embraced SHRM is very suitable and convenient in this field. It’s a perfect way in managing and developing students in order to help them achieve their academic goals through encourage the motivation and collaboration in their personalities. This educational success will be the gate for the work life where SHRM is also being used in organizations. 

We can consider that Presence of SHRM in the academic field like a bridge that prepare the students to the work life. Therefor academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM because: 

1-  They have the same target which can be summarized as gaining specific expectations from individuals after their engagement in special designed system. 

2-  SHRM is a successful way in people management and it plays a vital role in ensuring positive interaction and healthy environment in educational and work institutions.