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recommend an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies.

recommend an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies.

Number of replies: 1

One of Alpha's practicing policy about Employees were, that they enabled their employee to use their own ideas as a perspective view of a CEO, that is to see the the full efforts of the employees. This will encourage their employees and will be a  resource for the company by receiving unique ideas from the employees. Moreover, the employees will feel valued and appreciated by the company. as from the case study their engagement with the employees made Alpha  successful today.

Encourages  staffs to achieve  their full potential by conducting different training programs across the global business countries. 

Alpha has been hired professional HR managers to different roles to perform the strategic human resource management activities. And they assessed the managers work to check the efficiency. this indicated the company has given high priority to their employees and well managed with the global challenges like cultural, regulation issues  from international business countries. 

Approached can be used 

Geo-Centric Approach

Poly-centric Approach