Reflective Question

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

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SHRM helps the HR department to see the efforts of the employees through is strategic planning. The main role of the HR department is to follow the SHRM strategies to meet their objectives and the goals. SHRM ensure their strategic plan is in a way to focus and to gain the  maximum benefit of the organization. This combines with meeting customer needs, managing organizational policies, generating profit from the products and services, marketing activities as well as financial decisions.

this justifies that SHRM policies are very much linked to the the overall organization's plans. HR professionals & Departments are there to implement the strategies to meet its goals.

one of the best example is Marrybrown. since the company is operating to more than 500 locations in Malaysia and  to 15 different countries. The company has never failed to appreciate and value their staffs. Employee satisfaction and providing other benefits is an evidence that the company following a good SHRM.