Let's discuss Global HRM

How HRM evolves into a global context

How HRM evolves into a global context

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Q: How HRM evolves into a global context.

ANS: Global human resource management is the discipline of taking care of workforces in a public or private company, for organisations that operate in more than one country or continent.

Q: What are the key features described.


  • Recruitment and Onboarding Process: Attracting, hiring and retaining a skilled workforce is perhaps the most basic of the human resources functions.

On-the-Job Training: Even when an organization hires skilled employees, there is normally some level of on-the-job training that the human resources department is responsible for providing.Continuing Professional Development :Closely related to training is HR's function in professional development. Benefits and Compensation: While the management of benefits and compensation is a given for human resources, the globalization of companies in the twenty-first century has meant that HR must now adapt to new ways of providing benefits to an organization's employees
Ensuring Legal Compliance: The final function of human resource management is perhaps the least glamorous but arguably of utmost importance. Ensuring legal compliance with labor and tax law is a vital part of ensuring the organization's continued existence.