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Adaptive approach to global HR - Not a one-size-fits-all

Adaptive approach to global HR - Not a one-size-fits-all

by TONG ME MI . -
Number of replies: 4

Based on the case study, an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies is not a one-size-fits-all, and is dependent on the type of business or industry the company is in. However, regardless of the type of business, it is evident that an end-to-end approach is critical in a successful global HR management to optimise and retain the best talent; i.e., from sourcing/hiring, to in-job performance and training, and to compensation and benefits (sometimes including retirement package).

While the case study outlined a seemingly successful approach for a company which provides IT services, the same approach may not be applicable to a company which relies on strong hierarchical structure in its daily operation.  For example, manufacturing companies which normally hire a large pool of blue-collar workers who are generally executers/doers instead of thinkers may only work well if there is close monitoring with specific instruction from someone of a higher rank. We can also expect more liaison with local vendors for such companies; Therefore, even if a company is multinational, such scenario will have to call for a stronger polycentric approach, as opposed to a multinational company with only white-collar workers who generally liaise only with executives-and-above, and can do with a geocentric approach.

In reply to TONG ME MI .

Re: Adaptive approach to global HR - Not a one-size-fits-all

I agree with your notion that global HR for multinational companies is not a "one-size-fits-all". Each company's HR will face its own difficulties depending on the type of business and industry in the company is working at.