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Case Study

Case Study

Number of replies: 2

Based on my own analysis of the case study, I would recomend Geocentric approach since the company is a operating multinational. Since the company recruits proffessional employees, it should firstly take into consideration the region where the company will be based, as i believe that in every country. A government rule requires the employer to employ locals too, it should not only be the people from India, but should mix. Alpha should not just employ the proffessionals, but should take into consideration others witb different skill that are not IT related. 

However, on the other hand, for a Multinational company to copy with the country where its planning to open a new branch in it. It should recruit without regarding where the candidate is coming from. In some cases a candidate that is capable of qualifying for a position available can be from a different region or country. So the hrm team should advertise the vacancy availablw globally since its a MNC.