Reflective Question

A Take on Embracing SHRM

A Take on Embracing SHRM

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In my opinion, the statement whereby HR professional have embraced SHRM purely for self-interest does not necessarily illustrated a negative outtake. I believe there is a symbiotic balance  to support the adoption of SHRM in an organisation be it for the benefit of the company or out of self-interest.

Lately we have observed academics and HR professionals embracing SHRM because it provides an inclusive strategic approach in the management of human resource within an organisation. SHRM closely aligns the human resource functions, polices and procedure with the strategic objective of the organisation. As a result, studies shows tremendous achievement of business success when companies shift to this approach by producing better financial performance, high level of employee satisfaction, and low turnover rates.

From the perspective of self-interest, it is natural for academics and HR professional to be motivated by their own interest to adopt SHRM merely from genuine passion for their work, career advancements opportunities, or gaining recognition. On a flip side,  through self-interest one can promote and advocate for effective management practices that can benefit both the organisation and their employees.