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The importance of people management to company management

The importance of people management to company management

by YUE PENG . -
Number of replies: 1

People are the decisive factor of productivity, and the development and success of any company cannot be separated from people.For a company, retaining the best talent is crucial for making progress in the increasingly competitive market, and the role of people management cannot be ignored.

People management involves training, mentoring and motivating team members to maximize productivity in the workplace and promote overall career development.Let team members can better collaboration, and enhance the ability to create value for the company.

Ineffective people management leads to lower productivity and higher employee resignation rates.It's very bad for the company.

The following are the key components of people management

1Creating the workforce of the future.

2Understanding people who make up the organization.

3Establishing effective communication.

4Setting the ground for better, more reliable and faster collaboration.

5Making the best use of healthy differences.

In reply to YUE PENG .

Re: The importance of people management to company management


You make a good point about retaining the best talents in the company. People who know their value in their skillsets also know what they are worth, and they can easily move to a new company if the current one doesn't show appreciation for their value.