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Case Study:dentify and recommend an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies

Case Study:dentify and recommend an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies

Number of replies: 1

The adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies include ethnocentric approach, polycentric approach, geocentric approach and regiocentric approach.

Based on my reading, Alpha used polycentric approach as mentioned in line with Alpha’s policy of decentralization, distributed leadership, employee empowerment and non-hierarchical work environment, every employee in the organization is known as an ‘associate’. Polycentric approaches to staffing policy emphasis that Alpha recruits host country nationals to manage the subsidiaries in their own country. This means that host country nationals are recruited to manage subsidiaries in their own country, while parent country nationals occupy the key positions at corporate headquarters. This allows Alpha to take lower profile in sensitive economic and political situations and helps to avoid intercultural management problems.This approach minimizes the dangers of cultural myopia, but it also helps create a gap between home and host country operations. 


In reply to CHUA PEI CHING .

Re: Case Study:dentify and recommend an adaptive approach to global HR for multinational companies

by VANESSA . -
I agree with you