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Working in an Organization as a 'Single Team'

Working in an Organization as a 'Single Team'

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The main principle for CEOs of successful organizations is to create better team for the organizations. For that they need to drag people together, assign the right task to the right person, keep people work together, solve the problems together, and recognizing the attribution of team members. To do these, office boss need to give 'The Sense of Togetherness' among people. This is a complicated process in the age of diversification. That's how managing people in an organization is a lengthy process. Bringing the talent to an organization is not enough to get productive organizations. Performance Appraisal, Training, Team Working, and so on fall under the process of managing talent. From the organizational perspective, three main components should be considered to achieve the people's managerial goals:

i) Creating Collaborative Environment

ii) Creating Better Communication Channel among Customers

iii) Keeping Record of Employee Performance