Let's discuss Global HRM

Let's discuss Global HRM LI BIN- Global HRM

Let's discuss Global HRM LI BIN- Global HRM

by LI BIN . -
Number of replies: 2

In the global competition, human resource management is faced with the challenges of economic globalization, information networking, social knowledge, talent internationalization and enterprise management reform. More and more enterprises need to adapt to the competition of the new era with the help of global talents, which also puts forward new requirements for human resource practitioners.

Human resource management faces challenges

Globalization has made the global market more and more closely connected, and multinational companies, strategic alliances and virtual organizations have become new important organizational forms. Accordingly, the boundary of human resource management has changed from clear to fuzzy, from closed to open. Enterprises need to rebuild from the perspective of human resource management functions and solve their new problems by using global strategies and policies.

Industry experts say that in the context of new economic globalization, human resource management faces challenges mainly from two aspects: economic and social changes on the one hand, and human resource management itself on the other. From the perspective of economic globalization, a successful global organization needs to possess unique skills and vision, be able to integrate various cultures and share information on a global scale, and establish a global talent network. From the perspective of human resource management, globalization puts forward higher requirements on the maturity of international experience, management commitment, management process and global organizational structure.

The development of new technology not only improves the production efficiency of enterprises, reduces transaction costs, but also has a huge impact on the management mode of enterprises. The emergence of the Internet and other new technologies has made it possible for employees to work and collaborate on a global scale without being restricted or constrained by geographical boundaries, and rights within enterprises are also facing redistribution. In order to adapt to the requirements of globalization for the survival and development of enterprise organizations, human resource management is undergoing a series of changes:

Expand the scope of management around the value chain.

Use information technology, realize the management of virtualization. Focus on knowledge management of knowledge workers.

Establish new employee relationship to meet employee needs.

Develop organizational capabilities and advocate people-oriented values.

This includes hard and soft capabilities. Hard refers to the technology to create market value, while soft refers to organizational capabilities, such as matching human resource policies and diversified and inclusive corporate culture environment.