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Alpha Case Study

Alpha Case Study

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Based on the case study, it is shown that Alpha likes to give their employee opportunity to innovate and develop themself by decentralizing the company and distributing leadership which encourage local branch to make decision for itself. There is also non-hierarchical work environment in Alpha, so every employee has the same rights but also have the same expectation and obligation among others. In line with the decentralization and distributed leadership in the company, I recommend the poly-centric approach for the recruitment process of Alpha.

By using poly-centric approach, Alpha will have easier time to make a branch in other country that feels like a local company in that country, for example, in the case study, it is said that Alpha branch in China want to make an impression that the company is a local Chinese company, but with same quality of service compared with other branch. in details, employee that are recruited by this approach will be easier to adapt and work in local branch of Alpha because they already know the local workplace culture and they won't be disturbed by external aspect compared to working directly with foreign employee such as language barrier, perspective difference, workplace culture differences, and so on. Management by local employee will also have easier time to target their market because they already know their environment and have experience with local market