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Case Study

Case Study

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Alpha computers started off by providing IT solutions, BPO, and consulting services to MNCs. As they grew, they have expanded to serve 40 different countries with different languages from the parent country. To ensure that the service provided by each host countries are up to the standard of the company's vision, they have implemented a standard values for each subsidiary to comply with. 

To meet the customers expectations in the host countries, they have a hiring policy to ensure that 20% of the management comes from the parent country, 50% entry level and 90% of local language speakers are hired locally. An example of this is the Chinese subsidiary aspires to be a Chinese company in China while delivering the quality service of Alpha Computers.

As from the case study, MNCs have to adapt to the local market they are operating in by having local talents who knows the local market best while also providing autonomy to decide which action is best to serve the local market. However, it is necessary for the parent company to ensure that it's overseas subsidiaries are complying with the vision and objectives of the company.