Reflective Question

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

Why have academics and HR professionals embraced SHRM

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Educational institutions  and any other Hr professionals have a very important role in the utilization of human resources.

Education and skills training: Educational institutions and Hr Professionals, such as schools and colleges, have the responsibility to provide the education and training necessary to develop students' skills and knowledge. This contributes to preparing quality and competent human resources for the world of work.

Character formation: Apart from academic education, educational institutions and Hr Professionalsare also responsible for forming a person ' character. A person's success in the world of work does not only depend on knowledge and skills, but also on moral, ethical, leadership and teamwork aspects. Educational institutions can help students develop these values, so that they become individuals of skill and integrity.

Providing environmental understanding: Educational institutions and Hr Professionals can provide an understanding of the importance of protecting and conserving natural resources. Through the curriculum and extracurricular activities, students can learn about the importance of sustainable management, wise use, and protection of natural resources. This helps develop students' ecological awareness and social responsibility towards the environment.

Encouraging innovation and research: Educational institutions and Hr Professionalsalso play a role in encouraging innovation and research related to the use of human resources. Colleges and universities are often important sites for new research and development in a variety of fields, including human resources. By providing the necessary facilities and support, educational institutions can encourage the creation and implementation of new solutions to maximize the utilization of human resources.

In conclusion, with the right education and skills training, building strong character, good understanding of the environment, and efforts to encourage innovation and research, educational institutions can become a driving force in optimally utilizing human resources for social and economic progress.