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case study

case study

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Taking into account that there are different approaches towards IHRM, this study is clearly describing the polycentric approach. this approach is mainly based on the following: organisations have local people are recruited at senior positions. There are very few Parent country nationals. The decision making is highly decentralised and local management takes all decisions. Apart from broad policies which are framed by the corporate at Parent country, all operational policies are decided at a local level. The author of the text provides example based on the Chinese company that not only wants to operate in China, but also provide services overseas. This can be considered as if includes some elements of the ethnocentric approach, which believes that Parent country practices should be followed in all countries in managing Human Resources. 

However, based on my background, most effective enterprises nowadays are multinational companies with Geo-Centric approach.  This approach is much matured and accepts that practices in different geographies have different strength. For companies using this type of approach it is much easier to penetrate foreign markets as it involves various factors