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Case Study Response - Emaan Malik

Case Study Response - Emaan Malik

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The case study effectively shows how Alpha's decentralized and non-hierarchical work environment has bled through to the company's global HRM policies. It can be seen that Alpha has pushed for a polycentric approach in its IHRM policies, encouraging the "our company is Chinese in China" mentality in the respective countries it is based in. While this localized workforce policy allows the company to reap the benefits of employing local staff and managers, such as their knowledge of the local market and environment, the company has faced the constant need to balance between "push for control from HQ" and "pull for autonomy from subsidiaries". By implementing uniform policies wherever local laws allow, Alpha maintains a cohesive and united organizational culture throughout its global network.

In order to resolve the issues Alpha has faced in the Indian market, such as lack of trainability and employability , high turnover, and escalating wages, Alpha may use the following recommendations. By applying the regio-centric approach, the company would benefit from employing the right person for the job who would best know the market and the culture. By using this approach, the company's managers would understand how to tackle the training and employability of local staff in the best suited ways. Allowing regio-centric hiring would also give Alpha a better picture on why there is such high turnover in the Indian workforce, where this turnover may be higher in the country, and how they could implement better policies and adapt a better company culture to improve employee retention.