Let's Talk This Through

Case study: The underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM

Case study: The underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM

Number of replies: 2

The underpinning social and economic reasons caused by globalisation that brought about the recent transition in HRM and its functions:

1. Rapid business change:

-Regulatory compliance and controls (tax, immigration, payroll)

- Managing and tracking global mobility costs

-Improving the retention of global mobility assignees post-assignment

-Improving operational efficiency of global mobility through process and technology improvements

2. A borderless workplace:

-Actively partnering with the business to effectively use global mobility

-Improving the global mobility experience for assignees

3. Specialization creating new career and job models:

-Global compensation, benefits, and pensions planning and management

4. New styles of leadership:

- Global leadership development and pipeline

5. The intense competition for talent:

- Integration with global talent management practices

In reply to TEOW CHIA ERN .

Re: Case study: The underpinning social and economic reasons that brought about the recent transition in HRM

by CHEW KAI EN . -
Nice. These points are impeccable.